Tru Flow™ and Dual Flow™ Intake Water Screens
Smart Screen™ Fish Friendly Technology
Atlas-Landy Rake™ Gripper for Multi-Screen Cleaning
Bar Rack

OpenLine™ UV Systems for Concrete Channels
InLine™ UV Systems for In Pipe Service
AF3™ Single Lamp Units for Wells or Plants up to 600 GPM

3DP™ Three Belt Filter Presses
Gravity Belt Thickeners
Dual Duty (Thickening-Dewatering) Drum-Screw Press
Gravity Drum Concentrators

Total Odor Control with Permanent Media
Biocube™ and Basys™ Biofilters
Mytilus™ Biotrickling Filters
Combined Two-stage Biofilter-Biotrickler Systems
Biogas Sweeting systems for High H2S Removal

Tri-lobe Positive Displacement Blowers
Open Blower Packages with Silencers
Completely Enclosed Blower Packages with Easy Access

Non Chemical prevention of corrosion in collection lines,and elimination H2S with Rapid Delivery of oxygen into a side-stream solution
Pressurized Aeration for improved dissolved oxygen levels in lakes, ponds,reservoir or wastewater discharge post aeration
Disinfection of drinking water and wastewater with Hyper-concentrated Dissolved Ozone

Wedgewire Drum Water Screens with Airburst Cleaning
Manual and Automatic Filters and Strainers

Automatic Sludge Containers Positioning Systems
Prevents Spills and Allows Even Filling
Avoids Personnel Entry into Containe

Non-contact UV systems
Compact UV reactors for surface discharge, reuse and industrial applications
Large UV reactors for In-channel or in-pipe configurations

Aeration and also under pumps

Decanter Centrifuges, Tricanter®, Sedicanter® and Sorticanter®
Belt Presses
Equipment Renta

Jet aeration systems and SBR’s
Fixed Plate Cloth Filter with Backwash by Gravity (No Pumps)
SAM – Surge Anoxic Mix treatment system for BOD, TSS,N Removal with sludge reduction

Gooch Thermal Systems
Spiral Heat Exchangers
Thin film, wiped film and short path evaporators

Closed loop air system dryer
Energy savings of ~40-50%
Drying of digested, undigested primary, WAS or mixed sludge
Production of Class A or EQ Biosoli

Air & Material handling systems
Blower Packages; Sound enclosures
Airlocks; Accessories
Repair & Service

Turn Key, design/build delivery and pilot testing for:
Reverse Osmosis, NF, UF, and MF Membrane Systems
Desalination, and Water Reuse Systems
Water, and Wastewater Systems

Band / Belt Screens with Low Carry Over of Screenings
Perforated Panel, Laced Links, Woven Mesh, or UHMW Panels
Compactors and Septage Receiving Stations
Vortex Grit Removal Units and Grit Classifier

Headcell® and Grit King® for High Efficiency Grit Removal
TeaCup® Grit Removal or Organics Grit Washing
GritSnail® or Grit Decanter for Grit Dewatering
SlurryCup™ Sludge Degritting or Organics Grit Washing
Hydro-Sludge™ Screen Pressurized In-Line screening Unit
Stormwater Vortex Separators for Runoff Sediment Removal
Reg-U-Flo™ Vortex Valves Flow Control Self Activating valves
Static and Mechanical Self Cleaning Screens
Vortex Drop Shaft Flow Control for Deep Tunnel

Nitrate, Arsenic, and Radium Removal
Iron & Manganese Removal
Softening & Water Softeners
Forced Draft and Vacuum Degasifiers
Disc and Tube Fine bubble membrane diffuser

Odor control systems
Air pollution control systems
Chemical process equipment

Vertical and Horizontal Shafted and Shaftless Screw Conveyors
Storage Bins, Silos, Hoppers and Live Bottoms
Troughing & Flex Wall Belt Conveyors
Bucket Elevators
Thermal Screw Processor for Lime Stabilization Systems

Rapid Mixers
Clean Edge impellers (non-stringing axial flow) Line Blender

Integrally geared centrifugal Turbocompressors
Compact acoustic enclosures
Modular package enclosures

OVIVO MBR Products
MBRs with Recognized / Approved Water Reuse Quality
Less Stringent Headworks / Screening Requirements
Membrane Thickening, PAD™ Aerobic Digestion Process
MicroBlox Complete Plant Packaged MBRs
High Solids MBRs ECOBLOX™ @ 3% MLSS
OVIVO Enviroquip Products
Travelling Bridge Clarifiers
Rapid Sludge Removal Clarifiers
Solids Contact Clarifiers
Folded Plate Underdrains
Package Plants
OVIVO Eimco Water Technologies Products
Headworks, Primary and Secondary Treatment
Detritor™, Aerated Grit, AerPlate™ Grit Removal
Clarifiers with Long Life Oil Lube Cast Iron Drives
Submerged Effluent Launders
Biological and Tertiary Treatment
Carrousel® Oxidation Ditches and BNR Systems with Aerators and DO, ORP, Ammonia, pH and TSS Controls
Carrousel® AlternatIR™ System Total Nitrogen and Bio-P Removal in One Basin
Cleartec™ Fixed Media IFAS, Rotary Distributors
Traveling Bridge Filters
Anaerobic Digestion and Sludge Processes
Digester Steel Covers and Draft Tube Mixers
Power Saving Linear Motion- LM™ Mixer
Ultrastore™ On Slab or Tank Membrane Gasholders
Sonolyzer™ Ultrasound Disintegration for Anaerobic Digestion Enhancement and BNR Optimization
DAF, and Gravity Thickeners
Ceramic membrane thickening
Water Treatment
Flocsillator™ Oscillating or Horizontal Paddle Flocculators
Reactor Clarifier™ Solids Contact Clarifier
TracVac™ Sludge Collectors, Sludge Thickeners
Flexscour® Stainless Filter Underdrains
CastKleen® Filter Cast In-Place Filter Underdrain
ScourGuard™ Stainless BackWash Troughs and Baffles
FlexKlear® Fixed or Adjustable Inclined Plate Settlers

Aries™ – Managed Air System; Air Grid®; Unisweep® – Surface Wash Agitator
Infinity® – Continuous Lateral Underdrain
Wheeler Bottoms; Clay Tile
Fiberglass Troughs; Filter Media
Dissolved Air Flotation; Plate Settlers
Microwedge® – Sludge Dewatering; Floating Decanters
Pressure Filters
Spyder® – Sludge Withdrawal Web; Slyder™ – Hoseless Sludge Withdrawal
Trilateral® SST – Underdrain
Gemini® – Activated Carbon Systems
Package Filtration Plants Pacer II® – Dual Treatment System; ContaClarifier™ – Pre- Treatment System
Reliant® – Package Treatment; Clarion® – Prefabricated Filter

Power Mizer™ Cast Iron Centrifugal Blowers
Ayrjet™ Single Stage Turbo Fan High Speed Blowers
Regenerative Blowers
DO Control Systems, and Digester Gas Boosters

Sludge Storage Facilities
Live-bottom Silos and hopper systems
Truck Receival bunkers
Inlet works, Grit Handling

Tank Connection is the only tank manufacturer worldwide that offers all four types of steel tank construction
Bolted RTP (Rolled, Tapered Panel) Tanks
Field-Weld Steel Tanks
Shop-Weld Steel Tanks
Hybrid Tank (Bolted, & Field welded construction)
Aluminum Geodesic Domes

- Tech 3 Solutions Internal Combustion Engines; Cogeneration systems; generators

We Deliver Results Through an Application Specific Pump Product Line and Expertise That Adds Value at Every Stage of Your Project
Hydrogritter Grit Classifier and Cyclone
Model C Heavy Duty Vortex Slurry and Grit Pumps
Screw Impeller Centrifugal RAS/WAS Pumps
Self-Priming Solids Handling Trash Pumps
Non-Clog Pumps with Extra large Clean Out Port
Chopper Pumps with External Adjustable Cutter Bar
Pre-Rotation Systems for Complete Sump Pumping
Split Case High Efficiency Centrifugal Water Pump

Biogas Conditioning (H2S, Siloxanes, Drying)
Distributed Generation with Microturbines
Systems for Landfills, WWTPs and Industries

Biogas Safety and Handling Equipment
Gas Control, Cover Equipment and Flare Systems
Iron Sponge Biogas H2S Removal

Mensch Crawler™ Heavy Duty Bar Screens
Multi-Rake VMR Bar Screens
Stair / Step and Rotary Drum Fine Screens
Screenings Conveying Sluice Troughs
Washing Press and Screw Press Compactors
Vortex Grit Removal and Tulip Grit Washing
Rotary Drum Thickeners

Chain & Flight Rectangular Clarifiers
DAFs and Grit Collectors
Non metalic, Stainless Steel and Cast Iron Components

Fiberglass Buildings and Enclosures
Weirs, Baffles, Troughs, and Parshall Flumes
Walkable Outward Opening Odor Control / Algae Cover

Fabricated Stainless Steel and Aluminum Sluice/Slide gates
Weir gates and stop logs.
Telescoping valves

DumpsterVeyor; Dewatered sludge container loading, automatic positioning carriage systems

Fixed Plate Cloth Filter with Backwash by Gravity (No Pumps) & Stainless Steel Fixed Weir Effluent Boxes

Tomorrow Water minimizing the global environmental impact of wastewater treatment, while delivering sustainable, practical,and economical solutions.

MWF FRP Domes and Flat Covers; Ductwork; volume control dampers; FRP Weirs & Baffles; Pressure vacuum vessels